sanyog se hona example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word sanyog se hona usage in english sentences. The examples of sanyog se hona are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., chance.

Successful organisations do not achieve their goals by chance but by following a deliberate process called management .

We may predict that Harish, if given a chance to lead a team, will most likely be an authoritarian leader.
The Constitution makers, however, were worried that in an open electoral competition, certain weaker sections may not stand a good chance to get elected to the Lok Sabha and the state Legislative Assemblies.
The main purpose of election is to give people a chance to choose the representatives, the government and the policies they prefer.
But it is sometimes necessary to regulate campaigns to ensure that every political party and candidate gets a fair and equal chance to compete.
He also got a chance to work during the summer at the entomology laboratory of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.
That year his project won first place at the International Science Fair and gave him another chance to work in the army laboratory during the summer.
There was a simple reason for this: the ball was bowled underarm, along the ground and the curve at the end of the bat gave the batsman the best chance of making contact.
Children who had never previously had the chance to watch international cricket because they lived outside the big cities, could now watch and learn by imitating their heroes.
There was a simple reason for this: the ball was bowled underarm, along the ground and the curve at the end of the bat gave the batsman the best chance of making contact.
संबंधित शब्द संयोग से होना के पर्यायवाची

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